Tag: French Country


A Day for Love

Good morning, dear readers! I hope that this new year finds you healthy and full of blessings. One of the most important blessings that I am always grateful for is love. The love that has been given to me by the good Lord above, my husband, parents, grandparents, and children […]


A Merry Christmas Home Tour

Merry Christmas week dear friends, and welcome to my Christmas home tour! I hope this day finds you healthy and in good spirits. I had hopes of sharing this tour with you sooner and broke up into smaller posts. However, it seems time has been speeding by, and Christmas has […]


A Time to Give Thanks

Good morning, dear readers. Today, I am joining my talented tablescaping friends to bring you our Thanksgiving tables. Our fearless leader is Rita at Panoply. A list and links to the participants is at the end of this post. Time is sure flying by so quickly! I cannot believe that […]


The New Sitting Room

Welcome, dear friends! Can you believe that the autumn season has arrived? Oklahoma’s weather must have missed the memo, because we are breaking records with temperatures in the upper 90s and low 100s. The past few days, I have been trying to bring out some of my fall decor. However, […]