Recent Posts


A Celebration of Love

Happy Tuesday, dear readers! Today is all about that one day a year when we celebrate love…Valentine’s Day. It can be a celebration of love for a significant other, family member, or friend. One of my favorite things to do is to make cookies for my friends and family and […]


A Tea for Caroline

Happy Tuesday, dear readers! I hope this new year finds you well and staying warm. We have been below freezing for the past few days, and I am definitely ready for spring to arrive. On this cold winter’s day, I am thrilled to invite you inside for a warm cup […]


A Table of Blessings

Happy Tuesday, dear readers! It is hard to believe that November is upon us, and Thanksgiving is a little over three weeks away. Not to worry though, today I am joining seventeen table stylists to bring you our Thanksgiving tables. Links to their beautiful and inspiring creations can be found […]


The Joy of Autumn

Happy Monday Morning Blooms dear readers! I hope that you are relaxing and enjoying this long holiday weekend. Today, I am so thrilled to be joining my flower loving friends, Pam at Everyday Living, Mary at Home is Where the Boat Is, and Lidy at the French Garden House to […]