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A Merry Christmas Home Tour

Merry Monday, dear readers! Only two more sleeps until the big day arrives. My heart is full of blessings and joy this Christmas season, and I hope your’s is too. No matter our struggles, we have so much to be grateful for. On that cold night so many years ago, […]


A Table of Blessings

Happy Tuesday, dear readers! It is hard to believe that November is upon us, and Thanksgiving is a little over three weeks away. Not to worry though, today I am joining seventeen table stylists to bring you our Thanksgiving tables. Links to their beautiful and inspiring creations can be found […]


The Joy of Autumn

Happy Monday Morning Blooms dear readers! I hope that you are relaxing and enjoying this long holiday weekend. Today, I am so thrilled to be joining my flower loving friends, Pam at Everyday Living, Mary at Home is Where the Boat Is, and Lidy at the French Garden House to […]


A Late Summer Tea

Welcome to Tea on Tuesday, dear readers! It is stifling outside, and there isn’t a breath of air. So, please step inside where the air conditioning is on, and tea, treats, and friendly conversation awaits you. Today, I am joining my sweet friends, Pam at Everyday Living and Mary at […]


Dining Room Reveal

Happy Monday, sweet friends! I hope that you had a wonderful weekend. We were surprised with a couple of evening thunderstorms. It has been so miserably hot and dry this summer, and the rain was a welcomed blessing. My flowers and plants are not faring well in this sweltering heat, […]