
My Blog

Blog, Tablescapes

In Loving Memory

Good morning, dear readers. Today, I have a very special tablescape to share with you. I’m sorry that I have not posted in a couple weeks. My family and I have suffered a tremendous loss….the passing of my beloved grandmother. She was the matriarch, guiding light, and comforting soul to […]


Late Summer Decorating

Happy September, sweet friends! I hope that you had a wonderful Labor Day holiday weekend! Can you believe that summer is winding down, and autumn is right around the corner? A lot of you marked the end of summer with Labor Day, but in my part of the country we […]


Celebrating Summer

Good morning, dear friends! Today, I am so excited to be joining some of my blogging friends to show you how we celebrate summer. This fun tour is being hosted by the sweet and talented Amber at Follow the Yellow Brick Home.  You will find links to the participating bloggers […]


Welcome Spring

Happy Spring, sweet friends! I am so happy that this glorious season has finally arrived! Recently, we have been blessed with some beautiful weather, and I have noticed that the trees are starting to awake from their winter’s nap. This makes me beyond giddy with excitement. I love the sense […]


Dining Room Update

Good morning, sweet friends! I hope that the month of March finds you well and in good spirits. I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a couple of weeks, but we have had a lot going on. I have been wanting to show you the new wall color in the dining […]