

A Time to Give Thanks

Good morning, dear readers. Today, I am joining my talented tablescaping friends to bring you our Thanksgiving tables. Our fearless leader is Rita at Panoply. A list and links to the participants is at the end of this post. Time is sure flying by so quickly! I cannot believe that […]


A Sweet Halloween Table

Welcome friends, to my sweet Halloween table. You will not find anything scary at my table just lots of precious memories and sweet treats. Today, I am so thrilled to be joining my talented tablescaping friends to bring you our Halloween tables. Our wonderful host is my blogging friend Rita […]


La vie en Rose

Happy Tuesday, dear friends! I hope that your week is off to a great start. Can you believe that this is the last week of January? Where has the month gone? Valentine’s Day will be here before we know it, but there is no need to worry. Today, I am […]


Christmas Blessings

Good morning friends, and welcome to our annual Christmas Tablescaping Blog Hop. Can you believe that Christmas is only 18 days away? Where does the time go? Today, I am so excited to be joining my table decor loving friends and want to thank Rita at Panoply for hosting this […]


A Table for Sweethearts

Happy February, dear friends! I hope that you are staying healthy and warm during these cold days of winter. Can you believe that Valentine’s Day is almost upon us? Today, I am once again joining my talented tablescaping friends. We are showcasing our tables all decked out for that special […]