Tag: Belle Bleu Interiors


Happy Birthday America

Good morning, my dear friends, and happy birthday America!!! This week, I am so honored to be joining several of my sweet and talented blogging friends to bring you our patriotic tables. This fun celebration is being hosted by the very talented Chloe at Celebrate and Decorate. At the end […]


A Simple Summer Coffee Table

Happy Tuesday, sweet friends! Today, I really wanted to share more of the kitchen and sunroom renovations, but we are still working with contractors. A few loose ends such as sheet rock repairs and a new wood transition piece for the sunroom floor are being completed this week. Our project […]


Kitchen Reveal Part One

Sweet friends, I have missed you all so much! I apologize for my absence. It was not my intention to be away from blogging this long. Unfortunately, my infection came back with a vengeance. Another trip to the urgent care revealed that there was an underlying infection leading to the […]